What's the site location?
Let us know the location of the job, so we can suggest suppliers in your area. Then, in your dashboard you can filter offers based on distance from you.

What equipment are you looking for?
We work with a variety of the country’s very best suppliers for plant hire. Let us know what you’re interested in.
Air Compressors
Dump Trucks
Powered Access
What type(s) of do you need?
We have a range of classes for each machine. Let us know what type(s) you need for your rental.
Multi Tool Air Compressors
Single Tool Air Compressors
Small Air Compressors
Twin Tool Air Compressors
How many do you need?
Let us know the amount of machines you are looking for. Suppliers will be matched to you that can meet the full amount of machines needed.
Do you need operators for the machinery?
Let us know if you need operators for the machine(s) if so, how many. Aspects like accommodation and food can be discussed directly with the supplier.
Do you have a make preference?
Some people have a make preference for equipment. Let us know below and suppliers will try to accommodate.
Do you need any attachments?
There’s a wide range of attachments, that can be easily attached to a range of plant machinery, for all makes, models and sizes.
What dates do you require the equipment?
Nearly there! Let us know the dates you’ll be needing the equipment. Suppliers will suggest a delivery date before the start date when making an offer.
Any other notes for the suppliers?
To receive perfectly tailored quotes for rental, let suppliers know about any other specifics you may need for your plant hire.
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*Password must contain at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter
Enter the email associated with your account and we’ll send an email with the instructions to reset your password.
Thank you for your enquiry
Your enquiry has been submitted to suppliers for quotes.